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Photo credit: Paul Cryan

Euderma maculatum

Order: Chiroptera

Suborder: Yangochiroptera

Family: Vespertilionidae

Call characteristics:

Low frequency caller (12-6 kHz sweep)


  1/2 - 3/4 oz

(15 - 20 g)

Body Length

4 1/5 - 4 1/2 in

(10.7 – 11.5 cm)

There are various sources for bat species range maps including IUCN, NatureServe, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ECOS, and the National Atlas of the United States

Spotted Bat

Spotted Bat

The spotted bat is easy to distinguish from other North American bats, with tremendous, pink ears and the namesake white dorsal spots that dot its black pelage. Spotted bats are found in arid landscapes, often in areas of juniper, sagebrush, and pine savannahs. This bat typically roosts and hibernates in the rock crevices of cliffs or caves. While generally considered solitary, small groups of spotted bats may cluster together during hibernation. This species feeds mostly on moths and beetles. Elusive, much is still unknown about the life history of the spotted bat.

Information used to populate this page was obtained from the following sources:
NatureServe Explorer
United States Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Conservation Online System
Bat Conservation International Bat Profiles
National Atlas of the United States. (2011). North American Bat Ranges, 1830-2008. National Atlas of the United States. Available at:
Taylor, M. 2019. Bats: an illustrated guide to all species. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books.

Conservation Status


2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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