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Credit: USFWS/Ann Froschauer

Get data

Any registered NABat user may make a data request. NABat offers tools that facilitate data sharing among its many partners - promoting new or continued collaborations and providing users the opportunity to work with big data.

1. All NABat Partners may make third-party data requests. Log into the NABat Partner Portal to begin the data request process. First-time users will need to create an account.

2. Click the Data Inventory tab (top of the page). A survey filter menu will pop up.

3. Fill the survey filter menu with the desired survey parameters (e.g., species, temporal scope, etc.). The map will populate with all available data matching these parameters. Keep in mind that this filter does not influence spatial parameters.

Note: Only one survey type can be included per data request. To request data from multiple survey types, submit additional requests.

4. Use the search bar above the map to apply spatial filters to the request. Don’t forget to hit the APPLY! button (top-right corner of map).

A data request's spatial filters should approximate the area of interest. Users with expansive data requests may make use of NABat's largest spatial filters (e.g., "Continental US", "Canada", or hub regions). Conversely, spatially-limited data requests should avoid using expansive filters.

Note: Spatial filters can be combined with AND/OR logic by clicking the gear icon button (top-left corner of map)

5. Click the Request Data button to the right of the map and fill out the required details of the data request.


6. Review the scope of your request before submitting the request via the Create Request button (bottom of the page).

Note: All NABat data requests are publicly available and can be viewed in the Request Archive tab

7. Data Privacy & Sharing settings vary by project. Some projects auto-approve data requests while others require authorization by the project lead. View requested data as it becomes available in the Request Archive tab under My NABat Data Requests.


Click on a specific data request to view its status. Data request results are listed under the "Request Status by Contributor" menu, arranged by their NABat project of origin. Any data that has been made available by requestees can be compiled using the Compile Approved Data button (right side of menu). Depending on the size of the request, data compilation may take several minutes. The compiled data will be listed below as a downloadable .zip file. Users may recompile approved data as often as they like as additional data becomes available from requestees.


8. Data request output files contain metadata fields which may be unfamiliar to the user. Metadata descriptions are available in the data request .zip file. Open the metadata.json file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad).

Submit an NABat data request


2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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