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In addition to collecting and uploading data to NABat, we offer a number of ways to get involved in the broader NABat community. Check out the opportunities below!



Looking for more guidance or want 1:1 support?

We offer training webinars throughout the year on a variety of topics. Check out our Events page for upcoming dates. For more individualized support, contact a member of our Technical Outreach Team or Book an Appointment.


Connect with a regional hub

Hubs help facilitate local implementation of NABat and maximize benefit within the region. By joining a regional hub partners may receive more individual support to guide local survey efforts while maintaining the level of consistency necessary to meet the broader, programmatic goals of NABat. 


Join our community of practice

Come join us during our monthly calls as we highlight current efforts by partners and present on the latest research and updates to NABat. Hear from the NABat Coordination Team and get your questions answered. 


Contact us to be notified of upcoming meetings.

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Sign up for the newsletter

Stay up to date on what is happening with NABat and the greater bat community. Learn about upcoming events, relevant publications, resources, and products being produced by our team.


2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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