Regional Monitoring Hubs
Learn what they do and how you can get involved.
Hubs prioritize local needs and maintain consistency needed to meet NABat’s broader goals. Through local partnership, hubs bolster collaboration, improve efficiencies, avoid duplicative efforts and enable an economy of scale to maximize benefit to partners.
Hubs leverage resources and expertise
Led by regional coordinators, hubs leverage resources across organizations to overcome challenges, provide services, optimize monitoring efforts and fill information needs, while populating the central NABat database.
Hubs are key to the NABat purpose: to create a continent-wide program to monitor bats at local to rangewide scales that will provide reliable data to inform resource management decisions and support the long-term viability of bat populations across the continent.
It is not required to be a member of a regional hub to participate in NABat, but it is helpful! We encourage you to form a new Regional Hub if there is not one in your area.
To learn more about the existing Hubs and how to start a Regional Hub in your area, contact Bethany Straw.