Our Network
Fundamental to the success of the NABat program is the collaborative network upon which it stands. Our partners include local, federal, state, and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations, and universities who are collecting monitoring data across the continent. Without these partners, none of this work is possible.
The Coordination Team
Brian Reichert
NABat Program Coordinator
Jordi Segers
NABat Coordinator Canada
Bethany Straw
NABat Assistant Program Coordinator
Andrea Schuhmann
Technical Outreach Coordinator
Frankie Tousley
Technical Monitoring Liaison
Haley Price
Technical Monitoring Liaison
Brad Udell
Quantitative Ecologist
Teresa Bohner
Sarah Gaulke
PhD Student
Amy Wray
Helen Davis
Kyle Nelson
CNHP Bat Ecologist
Our Core Planning Team
Jeremy Coleman
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Jon Reichard
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Kathi Irvine
U.S. Geological Survey
Wayne Thogmartin
U.S. Geological Survey
Susan Loeb
U.S Forest Service
Ted Weller
U.S. Forest Service
Tom Rodhouse
National Park Service
Michelle Verant
National Park Service
Mylea Bayless
Bat Conservation International
Winifred Frick
Bat Conservation International
Elroy Masters
Bureau of Land Management
Brad Jost
Bureau of Land Management
Charles Francis
Canadian Wildlife Service
Cori Lausen
Wildlife Conservation Society, Canada
Eric Britzke
ERDC Environmental Laboratory