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December 2024 NABat Newsletter

NABat Coordination Team


Please be advised that the NABat Partner Portal will be temporarily unavailable on December 30, 2024, from 7:00 - 10:00 PM Mountain Time for scheduled updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Technical Outreach Team. Additionally, if you require assistance with preparing and processing data, we encourage you to book a tech support appointment.

Northeastern Bat Working Group 2025 Room Reservations Rate Deadline

The deadline for the group room block rate at the Hilton Harrisburg for the Northeastern Bat Working Group 2025 Meeting is quickly approaching. Please book rooms before December 24th to receive the block rate.

Contact if you have trouble getting the group room block rate using the link or by calling in. Visit the conference website for more information.

BOEM Completes Environmental Review for Proposed Wind Energy Project Offshore Massachusetts and Rhode Island

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced the availability of the final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed SouthCoast Wind Project. If approved, this project could generate up to 2.4 GW of offshore wind energy, enough to power more than 800,000 homes.

SBDN Elections

SBDN is currently soliciting nominations for positions within the Executive Committee. Elections will be held in January 2025, and each newly elected officer will begin their term at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting in February.

The Executive Committee includes 6 Positions, 3 of which will be voted to fill in January. The duties of each are briefly described below.

President-elect - The President supervises affairs of the organization, presides over meetings of the Executive Committee, and conducts elections. The President serves a 6-year term (2 as President-elect, 2 as President, and 2 as Past President); there is a 1 consecutive term limit.

Secretary - The Secretary is the official recorder at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the membership. They maintain a database of members and update the Bylaws as needed. The Secretary serves a 2-year term; there is a 2 consecutive term limit.

Board Member at Large - The BMAL is a voting member of the Executive Committee who serves in a flexible capacity based on the needs of the organization during their term. The BMAL serves a 2-year term; there is a 2 consecutive term limit.

A copy of the bylaws with more detailed position descriptions and duties can be found here. A current list of officers can be found on our website.

The nomination period will close 31 December 2024. Please send nominations to Scott Bergeson (bergesos@pfw./edu).

Nominations can only be made by a paid member of SBDN. All Officers must be paid members of SBDN. If you wish to make a nomination and are not currently a member you can join ( or contact a paid member to make the nomination on your behalf.

AVOID "Error = A recording name is unique to a project and can only be processed as part of one deployment. An entry of this recording name already exists."

When flagging errors, the NABat database checks for duplicate 'Audio Recording Name' values. There are several scenarios that can produce this error.

  1. A previous upload to a user's project contained duplicate audio files.

  2. A project with lots of data and ‘Site Name’ was not appended to their audio file names (i.e. it's recommended to add the unique 'Site Name' identifier to your audio file names). Failing to append ‘Site Name’ can lead to potential for ‘Audio Recording Name’ overlap across survey sites, particularly when there are a large number of audio files and/or simultaneous monitoring is occurring across. In this instance, the chance for coincidental 'Audio Recording Name' duplication is higher than you'd expect.

  3. Accidental errors created during file organization and auto ID processing can cause the file output to include multiple copies of the same survey results.

When a user encounters this error, one way to check for duplicate audio recording names is to open the metadata csv in Excel and use the Conditional Formatting tool to highlight duplicate values in the 'Audio Recording Name' column. You can then use the Sort tool to sort the column by color (produced via the Conditional Formatting), and then alphabetically. This sorting makes it much easier to spot any patterns that may be occurring in the duplications. 

NOTE: The database logic includes an exception for matching 'Audio Recording Name' values when two distinct 'Species Manual Id' values are provided. A similar exception exists when you present two distinct 'Auto Id Software' values.

To resolve this error, one can use the file renaming function in the nabatr package or reach out to a member of the Technical Outreach Team for assistance.

Join us Wednesday, January 22nd at 11am (MT) for the NABat Community of Practice Call: A Year in Review. 

2024 was a busy year! The NABat Central Coordinating Office will share accomplishments and program updates that occurred in the 2024 calendar year and plans for 2025.

To join the meeting, click here

February 12-14, 2025: Southeastern Bat Diversity Network Annual Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

February 18-19, 2025: Northwest Offshore Wind Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA

March 9-14, 2025: National Military Fish and Wildlife Association Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

March 9-14, 2025: North American Wildlife an Natural Resources Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Check out the NABat Events page for a complete list of training webinars, meeting links, and all other upcoming events!

Northern New Mexico Project Manager

Bat Conservation International is seeking a Project Manager. The Northern New Mexico project manager reports to the Restoration Team Lead and works closely with other members of the Habitat Protection and Restoration program to cooperatively plan, develop, and implement priority projects, with a focus on the Santa Fe National Forest. The Project Manager is responsible for coordinating and implementing a multi-year, post-fire restoration effort in watersheds affected by the 341,471-acre Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon on the Santa Fe National Forest in 2022. This position is grant funded until September 2029. Additional project funds may extend the position well beyond 2029, but applicants should not assume this is a permanent position.  

To learn more about this position, click here

Senior Bat Biologist

BioSurvey Group is hiring a Senior Bat Biologist to help grow their bat services division within their small, woman-owned, forward-thinking company. This is a great opportunity for a self-motivator who enjoys being client facing, all aspects of project management, managing their own time, and is interested in being a part of a positive, successful team. The Senior Bat Biologist will plan, lead, and conduct bat acoustic or mist-net surveys and analyze bat recordings, organize data, and produce reports documenting findings. This is a senior role that requires self-motivation, a strong technical background in bats, project and team management, and excellent communication skills.

To learn more about this position, click here.

Associate Bat Biologist

Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc. is seeking an Associate Bat Biologist. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in deploying and maintaining common bat acoustic detectors (preferably Wildlife Acoustics detectors), reading and understanding detector outputs and summary files, and maintaining large acoustic data sets. Experience with acoustic analysis software (i.e. Kaleidoscope, Analook, AnaBat Insight, SonoBat) is preferred. Additionally, the candidate will have demonstrated knowledge of habitat requirements for western bat and/or eastern bat species and experience conducting habitat assessments for bats. Preference will be given to those with experience in state and federal permits pertaining to bats and NABat database uploads. The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing and completing bat and other wildlife related studies, including presence/probable absence surveys for threatened and endangered bats, pre-construction and post-construction avian and bat surveys at wind energy projects, habitat assessments for rare species, and preparing/reviewing technical reports of survey results.

To learn more about this position, click here




2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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