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NABat News October 2022

NABat Coordination Team

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

Last Call: NABat Photo Contest

NABat is partnering with Bat Conservation International to host our 2nd annual photo contest! The last day for submissions is 12 October 2022. Don't wait, submit your photos now for a chance to win!


Survey Participants Needed: IUCN Bat Hygiene Practices

The IUCN SSC Bat Spec ialist Group is conducting a worldwide survey on field hygiene practices among those handling bats. Please consider taking the time to fill out their survey. Survey participants must have worked in close proximity (< 2m) to bats in the past 2 years, or plan to do so within the next year. Your anonymous participation in this survey will greatly help the Bat Specialist Group in gaining a better understanding on this matter. Please share the survey with colleagues, students, or any other individuals who work with bats.


Funding Opportunity: USFWS Grant for Research and Development of Biotechnological Tools for WNS

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has announced a new grant opportunity focused on research and development of biotechnological tools for White-nose Syndrome (WNS). Successful projects should clearly achieve progress toward management tools that are pathogen-specific, effective, scalable, and safe for native biota. The USFWS anticipates up to $1.5 million of available funding under this grant opportunity, augmenting its growing slate of WNS-targeted funding that includes: WNS Grants to States and Tribes; WNS Research for Conservation Grants; Bats for the Future Fund, a cooperative grant opportunity led by The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.


Plan a Bat Week Activity

October 24-31 is Bat Week! Interested in planning your own Bat Week event? Get it promoted by registering on the Bat Week website, where your event will be included on the events calendar. Use the Bat Week toolkit to help you feature bats on your social media platforms and check out all the other resources on, including the Bat Week celebration cookbook.


Now Available: Wind Energy Monitoring and Mitigation Technologies Tool

Working Together to Resolve Environmental Effects of Wind Energy (WREN) has launched a free online tool, the Wind Energy Monitoring and Mitigation Technologies Tool, to serve as a catalog of available technologies used to assess and reduce potential wind-wildlife effects, including their state of development and related research on their effectiveness.


Call for Papers and Posters: 2023 Western Section of The Wildlife Society

The Wildlife Society's Western Section is now accepting abstract submissions for posters and 20-minute oral presentations for their 70th Annual Meeting. The meeting will take place 7-10 February 2023 in Riverdale, CA. Submit your abstract by 28 October for consideration; participants will be notified of acceptance status by 2 December. Click here for more information about the annual meeting and to read the official call for papers/presentations.


Public Input Wanted: BOEM Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Offshore Wind Project, Rhode Island

The US Bureau of Ocean Energy and Management is seeking public comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Revolution Wind energy project, offshore Rhode Island. Comments will be accepted through 17 October 2022. Click here for comment submission instructions and public hearing schedules.


Call for Workshops: International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum

The Business Network for Offshore Wind has opened the Call for Workshops for the 2023 International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum (IPF) through 1 November 2022. IPF will take place on 28-30 March 2023 in Baltimore, US.

Upcoming CoP Call

The October CoP call is scheduled for 3:00-4:30pm ET, 18 October 2022, and will feature the goals and accomplishments of NABat's many regional Hubs and will provide info for how you can get involved.

If you want to be added to the distribution list for NABat CoP calls, please reach out to Bethany Straw.

October NABat Training Webinars We've got a training webinar coming up! We've covered acoustics, now we're featuring a tutorial on working with NABat colony count and capture data. October 13th: Prepping and Uploading Colony Count/Capture Record Data Check out the NABat Events page for a complete list of training webinars, meeting links, and all other upcoming events!

Applying mobile acoustic surveys to model bat habitat use across sinuous routes High duty cycle moth sounds jam bat echolocation: bats counter with compensatory changes in buzz duration Far from home: bat activity and diversity in row crop agriculture decreases with distance to potential roost habitat Seasonal swarming behavior of Myotis bat revealed by integrated monitoring, involving passive acoustic monitoring with automated analysis, trapping, and video monitoring A small, heated roost facilitates nursery establishment and increases the size of a lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) colony in the northern Swiss Alps Over a decade of failure to implement UNEP/EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: A call for action ‘Ugly and smelly or useful insect hunters?’ Perceptions of and attitudes towards bats in the turn of the twentieth-century public sphere in Barcelona Moth community responses to woodland creation: The influence of woodland age, patch characteristics and landscape attributes Data analysis techniques in light pollution: a survey and taxonomy

University of Idaho: Assistant/Associate Professor

The University of Idaho is seeking to hire an Assistant or Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management.


Texas Tech University: Post-Doctoral Position

The labs of Tigga Kingston and Caleb Phillips at Texas Tech University are seeking to fill a post-doc position as part of the National Science Foundation-supported project “Community processes structuring assembly and disassembly of bat gut-microbial communities across a gradient of habitat degradation”.


Western Kentucky University: MS Assistantship

The Carl Dick lab is seeking a graduate student to assist with NSF funded research regarding biodiversity of parasitic microfungi associated with insect parasites of bats.


Biodiversity Institute

The Biodiversity Institute is hiring for a bat research biologist in Portland, Maine. The position will support current projects related to (1) wind and solar energy permitting needs, (2) threatened and endangered species surveys and tracking at Department of Defense installations, and (3) contaminant assessment for the US Environmental Protection Agency and US Fish & Wildlife Service.


Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory: Motus Coordinator

The WGLBBO is seeking to hire a Motus Coordinator for Wisconsin and adjacent states.


Burns & McDonnell: Bat Biologist

Burns & McDonnell, an architecture and engineering company, is seeking a bat biologist for their in Kansas City, Missouri headquarters. The biologist will conduct protected species assessments for projects in a variety of locations.


WEST, Inc.: Consulting/Senior Bat Biologist

Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. is looking for a full time Consulting or Senior-level bat biologist to conduct bat call analysis in the eastern and western United States.


University of Georgia: PhD Research Assistantship

The University of Georgia is seeking a graduate student to investigate biodiversity responses to streamside management zones (SMZs) on private, working forests. The overall goal of the research is to relate various biodiversity metrics within and adjacent to SMZs using a multi-taxon approach.

October's Featured Resource: Tell Me You Got That on Video

Miss an NABat training webinar you were interested in? We've got you covered. NABat keeps an up-to-date repository of training videos available to you! Find links embedded throughout NABat's Resources site, or view the full video repository here.


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2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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