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NABat Coordination Team

North American Bat Monitoring Program: R Data Connection Package (NABatR) Version 1.1.0

USGS staff with the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) have released version 1.1.0 of the North American Bat Monitoring Program: R Data Connection Package (NABatR). NABatR is an R software package used to pull and reformat data from the NABat database and generate user-specific reports. Version 1.0.0 was originally developed in 2021, led by Kyle Enns and Colin Talbert. Helen Davis and Amy Wray (USGS-FORT) together with Kyle Nelson, a collaborator with Colorado State University’s Colorado Natural Heritage Program, have made updates and improvements to NABatR in response to perceived data management needs and feedback from users in the NABat community. The NABatR team will continue to improve and add functionality to the package, assisting researchers and practitioners with data management, analyses, and reporting. 

Davis, H.T., Wray, A.K., Nelson, K., Enns, K.D., Talbert, C.B., Straw, B.R., and Reichert, B.E., 2024, North American Bat Monitoring Program: R Data Connection Package, (Version 1.1.0): U.S. Geological Survey software release, 


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2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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