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Credit: USGS/Katrien Werner

Upload data

Submitting survey results to a project is simplified via the Partner Portal's Bulk Upload tool. While not recommended, options also exist to manually enter/edit survey data.


Instruction steps 1-5 may also be useful to users still working to correctly format their data.

Jump to:​

1. Log in to the NABat Partner Portal to access your NABat project. First-time users will need to create an account.


2. Click the My Projects tab (top of page) and select the desired project.


3. Click the Upload Survey Data button and select the relevant survey type.


4. Navigate the pop-up instruction menu that appears (options vary by survey type). Select the appropriate metadata upload option to launch the Bulk Upload tool.


Note: Uploading via the Full Metadata option is recommended for most users. Options for uploading location (site or route) metadata separately from count or call metadata may be useful when sites or routes are established but survey data is forthcoming.  


5. Optional: Navigate to the Templates menu at the top of the partner portal site or within the Bulk Upload tool menu within your project. From either location, click the Download Template button to review required and optional data fields, accepted categorical values, and formatting tips.


The template's first row displays data field headers recognized by the NABat database. The second row outlines required fields and lists formatting requirements and/or accepted categorical values. The third row provides brief descriptions of data fields.


6. Organize survey data according to the Bulk Upload template and save it under the CSV UTF-8 format.


7. Choose a file to upload via the Select File button.


8. The selected file will automatically load in a Document Preview window. Review the preview window and resolve any highlighted formatting errors in the original CSV. Once corrections are made, reselect the file for upload.


Note: Common errors include unaccepted categorical values, shifted data (due to commas in the CSV) and incorrect column headers (ensure the first column header reads "| GRTS Cell Id". Users may copy/paste column headers directly from the template file to ensure they are correct.


9. Upload data via the Submit button (bottom-right).


10. The Document Preview only proofs a subset of data, and many common errors can only be recognized when the document is processed. Ensure the full upload is error-free in the project's Bulk Upload Status tab. Errors negate the entire row of data and must be resolved for the data to be processed and stored.


If errors are present, download the error report by clicking the blue hyperlink in the Errors Found column. Errors may be resolved by correcting and reuploading the original CSV or by correcting and uploading the error report. 


Note: The NABat database automatically replaces duplicate filenames with the most recent upload. If changes are made to the original CSV and the filename is not changed, uploading the corrected file will overwrite the previous upload. 

Adding survey data to a project

Add survey data

Attaching mobile transect routes to survey event

Click here for guidance on downloading a mobile transect route from a GPS-enabled acoustic detector and linking it to a mobile acoustic surveys event.

attach mobile transect

2018 by Bat Conservation International in partnership with the NABat Program

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